Recreational ice hockey at Murrayfield Ice Rink gives everyone, from the age of 18 upwards, the chance to participate in the fastest team sport in the world. Recreational ice hockey is played for fun and is a non-contact style of ice hockey, which means that there is no deliberate contact.
There are four recreational ice hockey teams that call Murrayfield home each having members of differing ages, abilities and experience that train in the evenings throughout the week. So anyone looking to join a team should be able to find one to suit them.
EDINBURGH STINGERS (Training TUESDAY 10.30pm to 11.30pm)
EDINBURGH LIONS (Training MONDAY 9.30pm to 10.30pm)
A great way to meet new friends and stay fit and active at the same time
Fast, furious and fun
Burn over 500 calories during training and games
Burn over 500 calories an hour!
Please contact the clubs above directly for further information.