11.00am to 1pm

The ice rink has strong links with the local community and the inclusive session has been running now for over 25 years. A great activity for all the participants involved. Music is played throughout the session. There is ground level access throughout the building and a viewing platform for any participants who want a break. There are disabled toilets. (Admission Only £5 per person)
To ensure the safety of all the participants in our Inclusive session we would advise the following:
1. Please ensure you have the correct equipment prior to accessing the ice pad.
Warm Clothing as it is extremely cold
Fully functioning wheelchair
2. Please ensure wheelchairs are in good working condition with no defects and appropriate to the individuals needs.
3. Ensure all lap straps are in place and secured before entry on to the ice.
4. Ensure all wheelchairs have appropriate foot plates.
5. Ensure all Staff / Carers are appropriately dressed and are competent skaters (Carers that don't feel confident on skates are permitted to walk around with the wheelchair user).
6. General Guidance:
Prior to accessing the ice pad please ensure all lap straps are securely fastened and foot plates / feet are secure and in place. Blankets must be tucked in to ensure no trailing occurs and wheels are free from any potential hazards.
Please approach the ramp onto the ice carefully, it is advised to turn the wheelchair facing backwards before moving on to the ice pad. This enables the staff / carer to have full control over the speed of access. (A member of ice rink staff can assist)
At all times please be aware of any potential hazards.
Upon exiting the ice surface please exit with the participant facing forwards on the ramp.
7. Please don't hesitate to alert a member of ice rink staff if any assistance is required.
8. Lastly enjoy and we hope to see you all on the ice soon!
Advisory Notice